Help us help them!

Let's be partners in establishing an advanced village for lone soldiers!

We call on you to be partners, ambassadors of goodness, in raising the resources required for construction.

It is time to make the vision of the late soldier Almog Shiloni a reality and establish a warm home
For lone soldiers in the city of Modi'in Maccabi are bad!
The Municipality of Modi'in Maccabim Reut, headed by Mayor Haim Bibbs, allocated a unique land of 6 dunams in an exceptional location at the foot of the beautiful Wadi Inba park lake
16 villas will be built in the village, with 6 suites in each villa.

Donations will be very welcome, as well as earmarked donations, to the soldiers' club, the synagogue, construction, rooms, living room, kitchen, furniture, air conditioners, gym, and more.

Donations can be transferred to the following account:
International Bank Branch 128 Account No. 064394
We are looking for partners for the way and the idea and invite you to become part of them.

Any donation would be appreciated

תרומה בהוראת קבע בכרטיס אשראי